Possibility Starts Now

Peter Callesan is a paper artist who cuts images out of paper and uses both the positive and negative space. CreativeGreed has a series of his work. You can also see different sculptures at Peter Callesan’s website.

Paper art by Peter Callesan

Paper art by Peter Callesan

His sense of humor combined with his talent turns ordinary  A4 sheets of paper into clever art.

We all know the commentors on this blog are smart, sharp and verbal. So are my coaching clients. Last week, one of my clients was talking about changing her approach to creativity. She’s done some wrestling with her Inner Critic over the past few weeks. “I want to get back to possibility,” she said.

And just like that, I knew it was a brilliant. We wake up in the morning and start thinking what we are not and what we don’t have–“I’m still tired, I didn’t get enough sleep,” or “I’m late,” or “I don’t have time for breakfast,” or  “It’s not Friday, and I hate work.” Imagine if we woke up and got back to possibility.

“It’s a new day, and I wonder what will happen today?” or “If I don’t check my email, I can get to work on time and avoid the stink eye. That would be nice!” The place of possibility is right under the wet blanket we toss on the smouldering resentment of our lives. You don’t have to fear the place of possibility–it doesn’t obligate you. It just has. . . a fresh possibility.

-Quinn McDonald thinks possibility is almost as good as a cappuccino first thing in the morning.

8 thoughts on “Possibility Starts Now

  1. For a child POSSIBILITY is a way of life and I’m wondering when we allow is to fade into the background. It’s just as well it will come back with just a little attention. And your examples of our hindering thoughts . . . no child ever uttered them I’m sure, they just get up and it’s all action!

    Kid watching is highly recommended . . . the younger the better!

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