Book Review: PoemCrazy and Foolsgold

I’ve added a review on an interesting book on my website. I rarely like poetry books, but this one is worth reading because you will begin using it. If you love words, even if you don’t love poetry, read on. . .

Freeing your life with words

By Susan Goldsmith Wooldridge

Poemcrazy by Susan Goldsmith Wooldridge

Poemcrazy by Susan Goldsmith Wooldridge

If you’ve already read PoemCrazy, you will certainly enjoy the book Wooldrige wrote 10 years later. She is more experienced and wary of life, having lost her father and watched her marriage fail. But her spirit, her ideas and her creativity is intact. Another book to enjoy.

Read the review of Foolsgold, Making Something From Nothing

Susan G. Wooldridge

Foolsgold by Susan Wooldridge

Foolsgold by Susan Wooldridge

3 thoughts on “Book Review: PoemCrazy and Foolsgold

  1. Thanks, I’ll have to check this book out. I love poetry, but it seems harder and harder to find a good poetry book these days…

    —-It is, indeed tough to find good poetry books. Both of these are amazing because they both get you involved in writing poetry in ways you would not think would be so mesmerizing. I was captured by both of them and spent days using poetry in my art. –Q

  2. Ooooh, this looks like a superb book. Poetry is one of those SCAAARRRRYYYY things to me, and this sounds like a deliciously fun approach. Thanks for writing about it.

    —It’s the perfect book for people who are fearful of poetry. It’s down to earth, and I love the exercises she talks about. -Q

  3. This sounds like just the book I need to re-spark my writing. I may not wait for the internet, but see if my local (independently-owned) bookstore carries it by any chance. I love the idea of a Post-it Note Poem. That would make for a great series of little poems in a not-too-overwhelming format.

    —This is the book to read with a pencil at hand. You’ll underline, write down ideas and words and have a wonderful time! –Q

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