Ice Bridge to Magic

Jenna Erickson is the program director of the Madeline Island School of Arts. Madeline Island is in Lake Superior, which at the moment, is largely frozen. Jenna’s commute includes the ice road between Bayfield, WI and Madeline Island. It looks like this:

ar123446568432946In a few weeks, when the ice road gets melty, slushy and more suitable for a Margarita than transportation,  Jenna will go to work on the wind sled. It’s a boat that can travel on ice or water and looks like this:

ar120491287446552That must take a lot of dedication. It must also give Jenna a lot of time to think about things other than if the ice road will hold up until she gets to work. One of the ideas that Jenna came up with is to give the people who are registering for my class a discount.

This is my second year teaching at Madeline Island. I’m teaching a 5-day mixed media workshop on June 2-6, 2014.  By that time, the view out the classroom window will look like this:


It looks like a painting, but I took this photo and it feels as good to be there as this looks.

So, I wanted to let you know about the special Jenna came up with for my blog readers called “The Red Barn Special.” This is specifically for my workshop at MISA. It’s simple. Save $85 on your on-site lodging reservation when you register for my workshop by April 15, 2014.

It’s called the Red Barn Special because the classroom I taught in last year looks like this:

IMG_3910That balcony was the place I stood to take the photo of the prairie and trees.

The class is going to be an incredible exploration of writing and mixed media techniques, and each participant will leave with a journal stuffed with work you didn’t know you could create.

Now is your chance to get first pick at the cozy on-campus rooms in their Mission Cottages. The great thing about spending a week on Madeline Island is that the time there is magic. You can work in the classroom any time, day or night. You will get a free session of creativity coaching with me. The breakfast is delicious and gives you lots of choices. You will be surprised at your intuitive writing and art skills. And you will have plenty of time on our own, for journaling or exploring.

A 25 percent deposit is all you need to hold your place in my workshop. Check out the class details of my class, and then call the Registrar, Anne Leafblad, at 715.747.2054, or email

You’ll want to see the moon rise over Lake Superior one night:


Madeline Island is an amazing get-away that keeps out the world so you can  find yourself and your creativity all over again. Please join me in this very special place. Oh, and Jenna? She looks like this:

0But you never see her at Madeline Island. She’s always a step ahead of you, making sure everything is working and taken care of so you can dedicate your time to exploring your creativity, your energy, and the island.

-Quinn McDonald is planning some special surprises for her class at Madeline Island. She hopes she gets to stay in the farmhouse again.