Red Barn Discount–till April 30

The studio s a mess. Navigating across the room takes steel-toed workshoes and a good sense of balance. But it is coming together. Two new bookcases flank the window and the desk has been moved. The wobbly, leaning bookcase is now empty and will get taken out tomorrow. Bins will replace the bookcase and hold all the art supplies I need close to the desk. Besides sneezing my brains out from the dust, I’m glad to be making progress, even if it is slow.

Looks like a painting, but it's the view from the classroom at Madeline Island School of Arts

Looks like a painting, but it’s the view from the classroom at Madeline Island School of Arts

As I bring order to chaos, I’m day dreaming about Madeline Island. I’ll be teaching Jungle Gym for Monkey Mind the week of June 2, teaching a class that combines writing,  print-making, exploring color and texture, and book making. Best of all, you don’t have to have any experience in those arts to have a successful week.

I dream of the amazing prairie surrounding the farmhouse and studio buildings. The warm, friendly  breakfast where you get to meet the students and instructors and talk about art and writing. Then a day of sinking into a project that you can really explore. Work any time of day or night. Enjoy the food, galleries, and shops the island has to offer, or take the 20-minute ferry ride back to the mainland. Each day in class, we will do a new art journaling technique and a writing exercise. By mid-afternoon you are deep into your own work at your own pace. It’s exciting and relaxing at the same time.

The work tables at last year's class. This year's will be just as filled with papers, colors and idea.

The work tables at last year’s class. This year’s will be just as filled with papers, colors and ideas.

Jenna Erickson at MISA has extended the special and made it even sweeter. I’m still a few people short to make the class, so I’d love to persuade a few more of you who are on the fence about going to take the leap and sign up. I know it’s still cold in a lot of places, but the class is in June, and the closing date is coming up soon.

Jenna came up with the“The Red Barn Special.” This is specifically for my workshop at MISA. It’s simple. Save 30 percent on your on-site lodging reservation and when you register for my workshop by April 30, 2014. Call Jenna Erickson at (715) 747-2054 to ask for details.

April 30 is decision day. I’d love to have you there, and I know you will learn a lot about yourself, your Inner Hero, and art journaling!

–Quinn McDonald hopes to find the floor of the studio sometime tomorrow.